Sunday, 10 October 2010

Working Hard

On Friday I went to my Bournville class and found they had been doing applique so I had a go. Rather untidy Mola work!! I will post a photo when Picasa stops playing up.

On Saturday I had a lot to do. I helped Michael do some arashi (pole-wrapping shibori) which worked sort of. In other words, one piece is splendid and the other two are not so good though he can see how to make them good. They are drying in the garage at the moment and I will post pictures when washed in the machine and ironed.

I managed to finish off weaving the colour gamp. Here is one of the warps.

And here is another. The guild does not have looms which are portable and wide enough to put all 12 colours on one loom and anyway we have two sets! So four looms are being used. I have warped up two with ghost warps and woven them. This is so that I can pass them on to two other members of the group today (Sunday).

Here is one woven up.  I am seeing some of the group today at Newbury because I am running a day of acid dyeing. Which meant I had that to do yesterday as well. I ended up making up fresh batches of colours at 9 pm and finishing off the colour gamp weaving at 1015 pm. I shall be prostrate tomorrow!


  1. oOooO

    what do all those sticks on the cloth beam do?

  2. The photo shows the start of a length of fabric and the sticks are to protect the fabric from the knots; the knots being where the warp is tied on to the cloth beam. I put in four of five sticks more or less edge to edge so there is a nice smooth surface. When the danger of lumps has passed, I put in paper (wallpaper lining) which protects the fabric and stops one layer digging into the next. Probably not needed here as it is just tabby throughout but it is important with things like lace weave. I just do it teh same routinely these days/



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About Me

I am weaver and - -. I dye my yarns with acid dyes, I paint my warps, put fabric collages and stencils on my weaving. I have three looms, a 12 inch wide, 12 shaft Meyer for demos and courses, a 30 inch Louet Kombo which is nominally portable but has a stand, two extra beams and a home-made device containing a fan reed. And last a 32 shaft Louet Megado which is computer controlled, has a sectional warp and a second warp beam and I am the proud owner of an AVL warping wheel which I love to bits and started by drilling holes in. I inserted a device for putting a cross in. I have just acquired an inkle loom and had a lesson from an expert so I can watch TV and weave at the same time. I am interested in weaving with silk mostly 60/2 although I do quite a bit with 90/2 silk. I also count myself as a bookbinder with a special interest in Coptic binding.