Saturday 25 September 2010


A lot has happened in the past few days. On Thursday I borrowed the Community Action van and took Michael to Beckford Silk Mill. Anne came too. We had lunch, bought some lengths of silk and investigated their stock of fabrics by the yard, then wandered round the shop and bought some more stuff. On Friday morning, the carer system nearly collapsed so I got to my class in Creative Textiles very late but I did make it to lunch with a friend afterwards. We went to the Plough and Harrow on the road out of Malvern where I had a plate of whitebait - which I love and have not had for years. Very well done.

Back home to Michael returning from his day painting in the hospice and I tidied up ready for Ruth's arrival this morning. I did manage to get the purple scarf warped up. I put an inch worth of extra threads for the outer edges on the second warp beam. This is to make the warp wider again after resleying at 24epi.

 I finished off two more Paisley patterns and have gone off them. I think because I have ended up with 3D effects which I don't fancy on a waistcoat. So I went back to arabesques, cutting out various shapes in the class and put them on fabric with bondaweb. Then adding gold foil bonded on top. These shapes were generated at the class and were okay-ish.

But when I looked at them at home, I decided I could do better and generated this one. The change in colour is to give me the shapes for the interior. I have not tried this out yet but I like the negative shapes. Is cutting the interior shapes out going to be tricky?

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About Me

I am weaver and - -. I dye my yarns with acid dyes, I paint my warps, put fabric collages and stencils on my weaving. I have three looms, a 12 inch wide, 12 shaft Meyer for demos and courses, a 30 inch Louet Kombo which is nominally portable but has a stand, two extra beams and a home-made device containing a fan reed. And last a 32 shaft Louet Megado which is computer controlled, has a sectional warp and a second warp beam and I am the proud owner of an AVL warping wheel which I love to bits and started by drilling holes in. I inserted a device for putting a cross in. I have just acquired an inkle loom and had a lesson from an expert so I can watch TV and weave at the same time. I am interested in weaving with silk mostly 60/2 although I do quite a bit with 90/2 silk. I also count myself as a bookbinder with a special interest in Coptic binding.