Saturday, 19 April 2014

Pop-up Engineering

That is what I am doing for four days over Easter. I have made seven or eight different mechanisms and have spent today making five in a set to bind into a book tomorrow. So far everything has been done in white card but tomorrow we make a real card with artwork of our own choice. I spent sometime at home printing out a set of photos to use here and I have something suitable. I do have lots of photos but they are white on white so not easy to see.

Here is one which has some tissue paper involved. This was an intermediate version. The final version has another layering front with a small pot growing a caladium plant. Didn't you recognise them? Tut tut. This one, by the way, folds into a flat card.

This is one of the five examples to be put in the book tomorrow. It does not show up as a static photo. I suppose I could take videos. Again it folds into a card.

Ruth is making great progress with her garden design and is sitting beside me at this moment, trawling the web for suitable plants to furnish her grand design. We have been walking for an hour or more each morning before breakfast, still in training for the Camino de Santiago. That start in only two weeks so I have been reading a guide book on Madrid to find out what we should be seeing in the one and a half days we have there before setting out.

And there is far too much provided.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those caladiums are great! I'll bet you're having fun in that class.



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About Me

I am weaver and - -. I dye my yarns with acid dyes, I paint my warps, put fabric collages and stencils on my weaving. I have three looms, a 12 inch wide, 12 shaft Meyer for demos and courses, a 30 inch Louet Kombo which is nominally portable but has a stand, two extra beams and a home-made device containing a fan reed. And last a 32 shaft Louet Megado which is computer controlled, has a sectional warp and a second warp beam and I am the proud owner of an AVL warping wheel which I love to bits and started by drilling holes in. I inserted a device for putting a cross in. I have just acquired an inkle loom and had a lesson from an expert so I can watch TV and weave at the same time. I am interested in weaving with silk mostly 60/2 although I do quite a bit with 90/2 silk. I also count myself as a bookbinder with a special interest in Coptic binding.