In the house we have been having a very exciting time and have ended the day rather poorer. Yesterday I received a brochure on courses at Dillington House in Somerset. And they have a summer school. Now Dorothy is working on improving her painting and I casually pointed out that the Summer School included a week's painting course. Before I quite knew what I had agreed to, I was signed up to music courses and she was signed up to the painting course. I went off to the weaving class and, when I returned, the West Dean brochure had arrived detailing their Summer School. So guess what? Dorothy is doing another painting course and I am doing Lino cuts. After all that I settled to the diary and discovered that I needed to be very careful about flights home from Convergence so spent ages looking up plane times, train times, driving times to decide what to do. It is doable but I will go round to a travel agent in the next village, Mortimer, early next week and get them to cross check everything.
And as I said, we are a lot poorer but it should be fun.