Sunday, 17 March 2019

Getting more adventurous

I am getting to the stage where I can do without a nap in the afternoon and as a result, can accomplish much more. Recently I have been concentrating on gardening. That has ended by my attending to the auriculas. They have had no attention since September. This started yesterday by my making up a special compost and drenching it in Provado which kills vine weevils.  It does not do much good to dogs and cats either so the greenhouse is on the forbidden list.

Then today, I removed everything from the two cold frames (the plants have been on an etagere since last summer,   They were both thoroughly washed down with Dettol. After that, I set out on  the plants, removing dead leaves, repotting with the prepared compost. And Triumph!! no live vine weevils any where. When finished, they were all transported to the cold frames and they will be there all summer. Tomorrow I hope to do the auriculas in the theatre.

Not much time for anything else today but I do have a nice photo of Jerry

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

More each day

i did not have a nap yesterday— I did not want one and instead turned my studio out. It was done with the aid of a cleaner and there was much exclamation as items lost for years surfaced! I found a whole large cardboard box full of thick wool. I rather think that will be taken to the next Guild meeting. I cannot remember where this wool came from. Not me, certainly.

So what else? I am trying to sort out books and must finish off today. Although it is such a nice day that I must put in some gardening first. Now the greenhouse is clean, I must plant seeds.

So today is clean up garden first, then do bookcases. And if all goes well, a bit of weaving. One thing I omitted to say is that I currently have several ideas for projects .from time to time i write up possible projects and I dug out all my design books. I came across a nice one but the write up is incomprehensible! Anyway I must write up the current ones buzzing round.


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About Me

I am weaver and - -. I dye my yarns with acid dyes, I paint my warps, put fabric collages and stencils on my weaving. I have three looms, a 12 inch wide, 12 shaft Meyer for demos and courses, a 30 inch Louet Kombo which is nominally portable but has a stand, two extra beams and a home-made device containing a fan reed. And last a 32 shaft Louet Megado which is computer controlled, has a sectional warp and a second warp beam and I am the proud owner of an AVL warping wheel which I love to bits and started by drilling holes in. I inserted a device for putting a cross in. I have just acquired an inkle loom and had a lesson from an expert so I can watch TV and weave at the same time. I am interested in weaving with silk mostly 60/2 although I do quite a bit with 90/2 silk. I also count myself as a bookbinder with a special interest in Coptic binding.