the temperature dropped overnight from -5 to -12 and I wore a lot more layers today. It was hard work. First the locality was so badly hit by snow that the roads are closed so the tutor whistled up a Humvee (ex US army) which just drove over the countryside.

Hummer tracks in late afternoon after sunset
We went to visit two big waterfalls and that required long walks in the snow. And sometimes the snow was knee deep. Fortunately I had turned my walking poles into snow poles. There were such long distances involved that I thought I would never make it but I did and feel rather triumphant. And got some good photos too. After the waterfalls and lunch (hot soup) we visited a geothermal site where there is boiling mud and steam coming out of vents, very photogenic. The forecast isfor lots of snow overnight and no Northern lights although there are expected later in the week
Hummer tracks in late afternoon after sunset
We went to visit two big waterfalls and that required long walks in the snow. And sometimes the snow was knee deep. Fortunately I had turned my walking poles into snow poles. There were such long distances involved that I thought I would never make it but I did and feel rather triumphant. And got some good photos too. After the waterfalls and lunch (hot soup) we visited a geothermal site where there is boiling mud and steam coming out of vents, very photogenic. The forecast isfor lots of snow overnight and no Northern lights although there are expected later in the week
The group photographing fumaroles in late afternoon