I got home on Monday. On Tuesday, I did a large number of small jobs, visiting the lawyer, sorting out someone to look at the cupboard full of sheet and bound music, ordering up prescriptions. I also went out for an Italian meal and then on to see Brecht's Mother courage. I have seen this several times but the production was astounding. Set in the near future 2022-2036. Incredible. Lots to think about.
Today, I cleaned out the garage which is now declared finished. In addition, I have a room full of shelves laden with Lever Arch files. Anyone who knows me knows I file everything in Lever Arch files. The problem is that I can no longer read what the titles say about the contents, even with my glasses on. So I relabelled them all in VERY LARGE BLACK PRINT and I can now see what I have!!
I did start out on a new textile project only to abandon it an hour later! I thought that I would make a haori out of a kimono roll of bingata style fabric I have. This I would line with some cotton which has been space dyed. I used John Marshall's book to calculate out the sizes of the pieces I needed and, as he suggests, drew these out to scale on graph paper. Very sensible of him because I then realised that kimono rolls are designed for petite Japanese ladies (it is 14 inches wide) and not great big clumping Europeans who are five foot six. I cannot use the bingata without seaming the haori in unusual places and I think it would look awful. So project abandoned. I am now thinking of making an unlined haori out of the space dyed fabric.
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